Yes!!! you read it right. Its Free Ubuntu machine (Always Free) that you can create and use as per your need. You just need to signup for oracle cloud to create free account.
2. Search for “Instances” on Oracle Cloud Home console.
3. Press “Create Instance”
4. New Instance page will looking something like below:
5. We can select Image and shape as per our need. We will be selecting “Canonical ubuntu” in our case.
6. For Shape we can select “Amphere” with below configuration
7. Select Boot Volume of 200 (which is max limit in always free account)
8. We will get option to download ssh key here. Please download this key as it will help us to login(SSH) to our ubuntu instance later on
9. Click on create now and thats it. Your personal Free Ubuntu machine is ready to use. Details of Instance will be seen like below (We have redacted personal info from image.)
10. On Our Instance tab, we can see our instance running. We can do ssh to our instance using public IP of instance with below command.
11. Setting Up a Basic Firewall
Ubuntu 20.04 servers can use the UFW firewall to make sure only connections to certain services are allowed. We can see this by typing
$ ufw app list
Now to make sure that the firewall allows SSH connections use below:
$ ufw allow OpenSSH
$ ufw enable
We can check status finally by
$ ufw status
Now try to SSH to our machine:
ssh -i <ssh-key-path> <username>@<public-ip>
Note: By default username will be “ubuntu”
Please let us know through comment if you face any problem. We will reply ASAP. Please share on social media, if you liked it.